SALINAS SPENCE ROAD CARE, INC. has a Cannabis – Distributor License with the Active #: C11-0000370-LIC issued on 06/22/2020 and will expire on 06/13/2021 and can provide Adult Use Cannabis, or Medicinal Cannabis or BOTH
SALINAS SPENCE ROAD CARE, INC. might also be doing business as: DBA – Spence Road Cultivation and is a Corporation, owned by Long Truong in California.
SALINAS SPENCE ROAD CARE, INC. can be contacted at (949) 331-3737
or if their website is listed:
Good evening, I am enquiring about a job. I have 3 1/2 years in the marijuana industry, doing everything from bucking to filling carts, to inventory control. I would like to stay in the industry if possible. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you.