Category: COWETA

Natures Roots OK Inc. is doing business as Natures Roots OK Inc. in Coweta Oklahoma with a Grower license

Natures Roots OK Inc. is doing business as Natures Roots OK Inc. in Coweta Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-Z5LU-3C9D Business Name: Natures Roots OK Inc. DBA: Natures Roots OK Inc. License Type: Grower in Coweta which is in Wagoner County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-02-14

CowTown Harvest LLC is doing business as CowTown Harvest LLC in COWETA Oklahoma with a Grower license

CowTown Harvest LLC is doing business as CowTown Harvest LLC in COWETA Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-3EJX-SFBY Business Name: CowTown Harvest LLC DBA: CowTown Harvest LLC License Type: Grower in COWETA which is in Wagoner County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-01-04

GREENGO ENTERPRISES LLC is doing business as GREENGO ENTERPRISES LLC in COWETA Oklahoma with a Grower license

GREENGO ENTERPRISES LLC is doing business as GREENGO ENTERPRISES LLC in COWETA Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-EECW-LJI2 Business Name: GREENGO ENTERPRISES LLC DBA: GREENGO ENTERPRISES LLC License Type: Grower in COWETA which is in Wagoner County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2022-12-05

NATIVE LEAF APOTHECARY LLC is doing business as NATIVE LEAF APOTHECARY LLC in COWETA Oklahoma with a Grower license

NATIVE LEAF APOTHECARY LLC is doing business as NATIVE LEAF APOTHECARY LLC in COWETA Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-P8QA-1XZH Business Name: NATIVE LEAF APOTHECARY LLC DBA: NATIVE LEAF APOTHECARY LLC License Type: Grower in COWETA which is in Wagoner County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2022-03-29

NATIVE LEAF APOTHECARY LLC is doing business as NATIVE LEAF APOTHECARY LLC in COWETA Oklahoma with a Processor license

NATIVE LEAF APOTHECARY LLC is doing business as NATIVE LEAF APOTHECARY LLC in COWETA Oklahoma with a Processor license. License Number: PAAA-ZYHL-OITY Business Name: NATIVE LEAF APOTHECARY LLC DBA: NATIVE LEAF APOTHECARY LLC License Type: Processor in COWETA which is in Wagoner County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2022-03-29