Category: Jackson County

Eek Inc. in Jackson County Oregon

Oregon Recreational Wholesaler License#: 060 1003632ACAB and has an active license: Yes DBA: Eek Inc Retail Delivery provided: Medical Grade Cannabis provided: Yes Hemp provided: The recreational marijuana statutes passed by the Oregon Legislature make many documents exempt from disclosure, including the address of a premises for which a Producer, Processor, or Wholesaler license has […]

Flwr Farms in Jackson County Oregon

Oregon Recreational Producer License#: 020 1003642197C and has an active license: Yes DBA: HSCP Oregon LLC Retail Delivery provided: Medical Grade Cannabis provided: Hemp provided: The recreational marijuana statutes passed by the Oregon Legislature make many documents exempt from disclosure, including the address of a premises for which a Producer, Processor, or Wholesaler license has […]

Rogue Ops in Jackson County Oregon

Oregon Recreational Producer License#: 020 1003751023B and has an active license: Yes DBA: 500 Enterprises, Inc. Retail Delivery provided: Medical Grade Cannabis provided: Hemp provided: The recreational marijuana statutes passed by the Oregon Legislature make many documents exempt from disclosure, including the address of a premises for which a Producer, Processor, or Wholesaler license has […]

Haze Farms LLC in Jackson County Oregon

Oregon Recreational Producer License#: 020 1003798EEFC and has an active license: Yes DBA: Haze Farms LLC Retail Delivery provided: Medical Grade Cannabis provided: Hemp provided: The recreational marijuana statutes passed by the Oregon Legislature make many documents exempt from disclosure, including the address of a premises for which a Producer, Processor, or Wholesaler license has […]

HGX in Jackson County Oregon

Oregon Recreational Processor License#: 030 1003931C0EA and has an active license: Yes DBA: HGHA, LLC Retail Delivery provided: Medical Grade Cannabis provided: Hemp provided: The recreational marijuana statutes passed by the Oregon Legislature make many documents exempt from disclosure, including the address of a premises for which a Producer, Processor, or Wholesaler license has been […]

The Beaver State Cannabis Company in Jackson County Oregon

Oregon Recreational Producer License#: 020 1003949684C and has an active license: Yes DBA: Guava Grove LLC Retail Delivery provided: Medical Grade Cannabis provided: Hemp provided: The recreational marijuana statutes passed by the Oregon Legislature make many documents exempt from disclosure, including the address of a premises for which a Producer, Processor, or Wholesaler license has […]

River Grown in Jackson County Oregon

Oregon Recreational Producer License#: 020 10040479F50 and has an active license: Yes DBA: River Grown LLC Retail Delivery provided: Medical Grade Cannabis provided: Hemp provided: The recreational marijuana statutes passed by the Oregon Legislature make many documents exempt from disclosure, including the address of a premises for which a Producer, Processor, or Wholesaler license has […]

Oregon Cannabis Farms, LLC in Jackson County Oregon

Oregon Recreational Producer License#: 020 1002853B750 and has an active license: Yes DBA: Oregon Cannabis Farms L.L.C. Retail Delivery provided: Medical Grade Cannabis provided: Hemp provided: The recreational marijuana statutes passed by the Oregon Legislature make many documents exempt from disclosure, including the address of a premises for which a Producer, Processor, or Wholesaler license […]

HGP II in Jackson County Oregon

Oregon Recreational Producer License#: 020 100305975BF and has an active license: Yes DBA: HGHA, LLC Retail Delivery provided: Medical Grade Cannabis provided: Hemp provided: The recreational marijuana statutes passed by the Oregon Legislature make many documents exempt from disclosure, including the address of a premises for which a Producer, Processor, or Wholesaler license has been […]