Riverside Botanicals, LLC is doing business as Riverside Botanicals, LLC in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Grower license

Riverside Botanicals, LLC is doing business as Riverside Botanicals, LLC in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-BT20-LBGR Business Name: Riverside Botanicals, LLC DBA: Riverside Botanicals, LLC License Type: Grower in Oklahoma City which is in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-12-01 These Oklahoma licenses were produced on 12/15/2023. Several pages […]

HGDPS1 LLC is doing business as High Guys Dispensaries in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Dispensary license

HGDPS1 LLC is doing business as High Guys Dispensaries in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Dispensary license. License Number: DAAA-V5D3-4DTP Business Name: HGDPS1 LLC DBA: High Guys Dispensaries License Type: Dispensary in Oklahoma City which is in Cleveland County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-12-01 These Oklahoma licenses were produced on 12/15/2023. Several pages for HGDPS1 […]

420 Sunshine Processing LLC is doing business as 420 Sunshine Processing LLC in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Processor license

420 Sunshine Processing LLC is doing business as 420 Sunshine Processing LLC in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Processor license. License Number: PAAA-L2U2-7QD3 Business Name: 420 Sunshine Processing LLC DBA: 420 Sunshine Processing LLC License Type: Processor in Oklahoma City which is in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-11-30 These Oklahoma licenses were produced […]

High Delights, LLC is doing business as High Delights, LLC in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Processor license

High Delights, LLC is doing business as High Delights, LLC in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Processor license. License Number: PAAA-F46S-ZXDE Business Name: High Delights, LLC DBA: High Delights, LLC License Type: Processor in Oklahoma City which is in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-11-30 These Oklahoma licenses were produced on 12/15/2023. Several pages […]

BlackSheep Enterprise llc is doing business as Drip Fine Cannabis in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Dispensary license

BlackSheep Enterprise llc is doing business as Drip Fine Cannabis in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Dispensary license. License Number: DAAA-WF23-AI0M Business Name: BlackSheep Enterprise llc DBA: Drip Fine Cannabis License Type: Dispensary in Oklahoma City which is in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-11-30 These Oklahoma licenses were produced on 12/15/2023. Several pages […]

AMAR ENTERPRISES is doing business as AMAR ENTERPRISES in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Processor license

AMAR ENTERPRISES is doing business as AMAR ENTERPRISES in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Processor license. License Number: PAAA-VOHW-8V9U Business Name: AMAR ENTERPRISES DBA: AMAR ENTERPRISES License Type: Processor in Oklahoma City which is in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-11-29 These Oklahoma licenses were produced on 12/15/2023. Several pages for AMAR ENTERPRISES or […]

ESCC Inc., LLC is doing business as The Farmacy Dispensary Wellness Clinic in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Dispensary license

ESCC Inc., LLC is doing business as The Farmacy Dispensary Wellness Clinic in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Dispensary license. License Number: DAAA-CJ1F-KDPV Business Name: ESCC Inc., LLC DBA: The Farmacy Dispensary Wellness Clinic License Type: Dispensary in Oklahoma City which is in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-11-29 These Oklahoma licenses were produced […]

Indigenous Budz LLC is doing business as Indigenous Budz LLC in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Grower license

Indigenous Budz LLC is doing business as Indigenous Budz LLC in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-69CZ-S1H4 Business Name: Indigenous Budz LLC DBA: Indigenous Budz LLC License Type: Grower in Oklahoma City which is in Cleveland County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-11-23 These Oklahoma licenses were produced on 12/15/2023. Several pages […]

Exotic Ventures, LLC is doing business as Phamily Trees Dispensary in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Dispensary license

Exotic Ventures, LLC is doing business as Phamily Trees Dispensary in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Dispensary license. License Number: DAAA-SAV1-D64H Business Name: Exotic Ventures, LLC DBA: Phamily Trees Dispensary License Type: Dispensary in Oklahoma City which is in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-11-22 These Oklahoma licenses were produced on 12/15/2023. Several pages […]

OKLAHOMA OUTLAWZ RARE GOODS, LLC is doing business as OKLAHOMA OUTLAWZ RARE GOODS, LLC in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Processor license

OKLAHOMA OUTLAWZ RARE GOODS, LLC is doing business as OKLAHOMA OUTLAWZ RARE GOODS, LLC in Oklahoma City Oklahoma with a Processor license. License Number: PAAA-W41J-LHDR Business Name: OKLAHOMA OUTLAWZ RARE GOODS, LLC DBA: OKLAHOMA OUTLAWZ RARE GOODS, LLC License Type: Processor in Oklahoma City which is in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-11-22 These […]