Category: Ramona

North 40 Medical Farms LLC is doing business as North 40 Medical Farms LLC in RAMONA Oklahoma with a Grower license

North 40 Medical Farms LLC is doing business as North 40 Medical Farms LLC in RAMONA Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-6XSV-9LBC Business Name: North 40 Medical Farms LLC DBA: North 40 Medical Farms LLC License Type: Grower in RAMONA which is in Washington County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2022-06-19

Indigenous Farms LLC is doing business as Indigenous Farms in RAMONA Oklahoma with a Grower license

Indigenous Farms LLC is doing business as Indigenous Farms in RAMONA Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-C6BD-RL3Z Business Name: Indigenous Farms LLC DBA: Indigenous Farms License Type: Grower in RAMONA which is in Washington County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2022-06-21

Carlotta Colene Gordon is doing business as Carlotta Colene Gordon in RAMONA Oklahoma with a Processor license

Carlotta Colene Gordon is doing business as Carlotta Colene Gordon in RAMONA Oklahoma with a Processor license. License Number: PAAA-NYWZ-VONJ Business Name: Carlotta Colene Gordon DBA: Carlotta Colene Gordon License Type: Processor in RAMONA which is in Washington County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2022-11-02

JARS of Grass LLC is doing business as JARS of Grass LLC in RAMONA Oklahoma with a Grower license

JARS of Grass LLC is doing business as JARS of Grass LLC in RAMONA Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-VY6M-SETC Business Name: JARS of Grass LLC DBA: JARS of Grass LLC License Type: Grower in RAMONA which is in Washington County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-03-06

Carlotta C. Gordon is doing business as Carlotta C. Gordon in RAMONA Oklahoma with a Grower license

Carlotta C. Gordon is doing business as Carlotta C. Gordon in RAMONA Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-EJNT-O9HY Business Name: Carlotta C. Gordon DBA: Carlotta C. Gordon License Type: Grower in RAMONA which is in Washington County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2022-11-02

Bear Flag Group in Ramona California

Bear Flag Group has a  Cannabis – Microbusiness License  with the Active#: C12-0000026-LIC issued on 05/29/2019 and will expire on 05/28/2020 and can provide Adult Use Cannabis, or Medicinal Cannabis or Medicinal Bear Flag Group might also be doing business as: Ramona Cannabis Co and is a Corporation, Retailer, Level 1 Manufacturer, Distributor owned by […]