Okie Herb Medical LLC is doing business as Okie Herb Medical in Devol Oklahoma with a Grower license

Okie Herb Medical LLC is doing business as Okie Herb Medical in Devol Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-E1MM-BRXI Business Name: Okie Herb Medical LLC DBA: Okie Herb Medical License Type: Grower in Devol which is in Cotton County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2022-06-19

Supreme Cannabis LLC is doing business as Supreme Cannabis LLC in DEVOL Oklahoma with a Grower license

Supreme Cannabis LLC is doing business as Supreme Cannabis LLC in DEVOL Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-IA1D-5JOS Business Name: Supreme Cannabis LLC DBA: Supreme Cannabis LLC License Type: Grower in DEVOL which is in Cotton County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2022-06-28