Ninja medzz llc is doing business as Ninja medzz llc in SHATTUCK Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-QRY5-GYMP Business Name: Ninja medzz llc DBA: Ninja medzz llc License Type: Grower in SHATTUCK which is in Ellis County, License Expires on 2023-09-27 This Cannabis Business Listing was Updated on July 29, 2023. There might […]
rock creek healing llc is doing business as rock creek healing in SHATTUCK Oklahoma with a Dispensary license
rock creek healing llc is doing business as rock creek healing in SHATTUCK Oklahoma with a Dispensary license. License Number: DAAA-IVWH-KRQW Business Name: rock creek healing llc DBA: rock creek healing License Type: Dispensary in SHATTUCK which is in Ellis County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-05-10
Curative Farms LLC is doing business as Curative Farms LLC in Shattuck Oklahoma with a Processor license
Curative Farms LLC is doing business as Curative Farms LLC in Shattuck Oklahoma with a Processor license. License Number: PAAA-6MOM-V1LQ Business Name: Curative Farms LLC DBA: Curative Farms LLC License Type: Processor in Shattuck which is in Ellis County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-03-10
Bud-Wiser Growery LLC is doing business as Bud-Wiser Growery LLC in SHATTUCK Oklahoma with a Grower license
Bud-Wiser Growery LLC is doing business as Bud-Wiser Growery LLC in SHATTUCK Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-VEIU-6N99 Business Name: Bud-Wiser Growery LLC DBA: Bud-Wiser Growery LLC License Type: Grower in SHATTUCK which is in Ellis County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-03-02
Thomas Processing LLC is doing business as Thomas Processing LLC in SHATTUCK Oklahoma with a Processor license
Thomas Processing LLC is doing business as Thomas Processing LLC in SHATTUCK Oklahoma with a Processor license. License Number: PAAA-PGL8-HAO1 Business Name: Thomas Processing LLC DBA: Thomas Processing LLC License Type: Processor in SHATTUCK which is in Ellis County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2022-07-13
Wolf Creek Buds is doing business as Wolf Creek Buds in SHATTUCK Oklahoma with a Grower license
Wolf Creek Buds is doing business as Wolf Creek Buds in SHATTUCK Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-NK3Y-N9OS Business Name: Wolf Creek Buds DBA: Wolf Creek Buds License Type: Grower in SHATTUCK which is in Ellis County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2022-11-06