Category: Talihina

Mathews Farm LLC is doing business as Mathews Farm LLC in Talihina Oklahoma with a Grower license

Mathews Farm LLC is doing business as Mathews Farm LLC in Talihina Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-YFA8-WO4A Business Name: Mathews Farm LLC DBA: Mathews Farm LLC License Type: Grower in Talihina which is in Pushmataha County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2023-02-15

Jumbo Budz Cannabis Farm LLC is doing business as Jumbo Budz in TALIHINA Oklahoma with a Grower license

Jumbo Budz Cannabis Farm LLC is doing business as Jumbo Budz in TALIHINA Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-PA4I-6VXS Business Name: Jumbo Budz Cannabis Farm LLC DBA: Jumbo Budz License Type: Grower in TALIHINA which is in Pushmataha County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2022-07-25

Lixing Great Gro Company LLC is doing business as Lixing Great Gro Company LLC in TALIHINA Oklahoma with a Grower license

Lixing Great Gro Company LLC is doing business as Lixing Great Gro Company LLC in TALIHINA Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-Y2M1-NT9S Business Name: Lixing Great Gro Company LLC DBA: Lixing Great Gro Company LLC License Type: Grower in TALIHINA which is in Latimer County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2022-07-28

RAINBOW CANNABIS LLC is doing business as RAINBOW CANNABIS FARM in TALIHINA Oklahoma with a Grower license

RAINBOW CANNABIS LLC is doing business as RAINBOW CANNABIS FARM in TALIHINA Oklahoma with a Grower license. License Number: GAAA-UKQL-BKHS Business Name: RAINBOW CANNABIS LLC DBA: RAINBOW CANNABIS FARM License Type: Grower in TALIHINA which is in Latimer County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2022-06-19

RANCH PRODUCTION VENTURES INC. is doing business as Smyles Dispensary in TALIHINA Oklahoma with a Dispensary license

RANCH PRODUCTION VENTURES INC. is doing business as Smyles Dispensary in TALIHINA Oklahoma with a Dispensary license. License Number: DAAA-6LSA-OQSJ Business Name: RANCH PRODUCTION VENTURES INC. DBA: Smyles Dispensary License Type: Dispensary in TALIHINA which is in Le Flore County, Oklahoma License Expires on 2022-09-26